Prim. Univ. Prof. MMag. DDr. Barbara Maier,Chair of the Ethics Committee MED,
alternate member, OÄ Dr Susanne Hölbfer
Chair of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Head of the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Wilhelminenspital of the KAV, Professor of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Sigmund Freud University of Vienna, President of the Austrian Society for Psychosomatics in Gynaecology andObstetrics (ÖGPGG), President of the Austrian Society for Family Planning (ÖGF), Member of the Supreme Sanitary Council at the Federal Ministry of Health; Sworn expert witness.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Ernst Agneter, representative
Ernst Agneter (*27.4.1963 in Vienna), Dr. med. from the University of Vienna in 1989, specialist in pharmacology and toxicology in 1996, authorisation to teach pharmacology and toxicology in 2000, Chair of Pharmacology at Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna in 2018. Agneter worked for the Ministry of Health in the field of drug licensing and monitoring and as Medical and Marketing Director for an international pharmaceutical company. In addition, he holds a Wholesale Pharmaceutical and Poisons Licence (2001), a Master of Advanced Studies degree (2001) and a Master of Business Administration degree (2004). Since 2001, he has been Managing Director of Agneter PharmaConsulting GmbH with a focus on drug appraisals, reimbursement and strategic consulting for pharmaceutical companies, as well as a member of several national and international pharmacological and pharmaceutical professional societies, and a board member of Karl-Landsteiner (since 2010) and the Society of Physicians in Vienna (since 2019).
Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Endler, representative
1990-1996 University of Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria; M. D. degree: May 1996; 1996- 1997 Military service at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Military Hospital Vienna; 1997- 1999 Medical training in internal medicine, general surgery, orthopedic surgery and traumatology in several Viennese hospitals; 1999 Medical training at the Clinical Institute for Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, (head: Prof. Dr. O. Wagner), General Hospital of Vienna, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 2002 Associate Professor for Laboratory Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, at the Clinical Institute for Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics; Schwerpunkt der Lehre: Laboratory Medicine
alternate member, Dr. Peter Winter
Born 02.05.1959 in Vienna; Matura at the Akademisches Gymnasium in 1977, then studied medicine at MedUni Vienna, graduating in 1983. 1983-1991 assistant physician at MedUni Vienna and training as a specialist in blood group serology and transfusion medicine as well as a specialist in medical and chemical laboratory diagnostics; during this time approx. 20 publications. From 1991 he set up his own practice and from 1993 to 1995 he was primary physician in the laboratory of the Neue Wiener Privatklinik. Genetics diploma of the ÖÄK; Clinical investigator diploma of the ÖÄK; Generally sworn court-certified expert. Specialist areas: Laboratory medicine in practice; focus of research: thrombocyte serology.
Dr. Helga Willinger, full member
alternate member, Univ.Prof. Dr. Michael Memmer
Academic background: Studied law; 1991 graduation as Mag. iur.; 1992 court internship; doctoral studies and dissertation on the topic of “Ethical and legal aspects of the medical duty of disclosure “1994 doctorate as Dr. iur.; 1992 to 1995 university assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna; since 1995 legal assistant to the Vienna Nursing and Patient Ombudsman’s Office, deputy to the Vienna Nursing and Patient Ombudsman, head of the ELGA Ombudsman’s Office in Vienna. Main areas of work and research: Medical law, esp. patients’ rights, medical malpractice law; extrajudicial settlement of claims for damages in cases of medical injuries.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Nicole Heussen, full member
alternate member, Prof. Dr. Ralf-Dieter Hilgers
Nicole Heussen is a biostatistician. After statistics in Dortmund, she received her doctorate in 2004 in theoretical medicine in 2004 and habilitated in 2012 in the subject of medical biometry and Clinical Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine at RWTH Aachen University.There she teaches and conducts research at the Institute for Medical Statistics. In April 2016, she was appointed to the professorship for Evidence-Based Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna. The call to the University Medical Center Rostock for the professorship of biostatistics in 2020. In addition to her methodological research on randomisation procedures and randomisation tests, she is particularly interested in innovative didactic concepts and the concepts and the use of digital media in teaching for the promotion of young academics. On 01.01.2021 she took up the office of the Vice Rector for Teaching at the Sigmund Freud Private University.
Mag. Claudia Kastner-Roth, full member
alternate member, Mag. Martina Hiemetzberger
Dr. Sara Manschiebel, full member
alternate member, Univ. Prof. Dr. Markus Hof, PhD
Module leader “Paediatric Dentistry” of the Master’s programme in Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine of the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna; Advanced training diploma of the Austrian Chamber of Dentists for the subject of paediatric dentistry; 2014-2018 Assistant dentist at the University Dental Clinic Vienna; 2008-2014 Study of dentistry at the Medical University of Vienna
Priv.-Doz. Mag. DDr. Philipp Saiko, full member
alternate member, Mag. pharm. Stefan Deibl PhD
Born 22 April 1974 in Vienna, studied pharmacy (1993-2000), aspirant year (2001-2002) and specialist examination for the profession of pharmacist (2002), doctoral studies in natural sciences (doctorate 2004), doctoral studies in medical science (doctorate 2007), postdoctoral fellow at the Medical University of Vienna (Clinical Institute for Laboratory Medicine), laboratory and working group leader, habilitation and award of the Venia Docendi for the subject of medicinal chemistry (2014). Lecturer at the Medical University of Vienna and at Paracelsus Medical Private University in Salzburg. Self-employed pharmacist in Vienna (since 2007), member of various commissions and advisory boards, member of the board of the Austrian Pharmacists’ Association, member of the board of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, President of the Vienna Chamber of Pharmacists (since 2017).